Thursday, October 9, 2008

Engaging Students with Concept Mapping

1. Concept mapping software could provide a very positive addition to the classroom. This would help address every learning style and intelligence. While some students think in a very linear way (like me), others prefer a different way to organize ideas. By proving the option of concept mapping, those students would have an outlet for their ideas. This could help students brainstorm ideas for a paper, organize and review thoughts before a test, or plan how they will complete a large project.

2. This software may take some time to learn but it could be worth it if it could help reach a student that may not otherwise be engaged. This process depends on how computer savvy the teacher is. Before coming into T&L 445, I was very technologically illiterate but after this class I am more likely to integrate something like concept mapping software into my classroom. If the teacher is able to learn how to work and teach the software before (s)he introduces the class, the students will be able to grasp the concept and use the program to their advantage.

This is an example of a concept map.

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